What is CARBONSCRAPER farming?

Carbonscraper is vertical agriculture that uses zero chemicals and makes garbage into gold.

Vision: To use solid waste to reduce pollution and address human caused climate influence.

Mission: To recover valuable resources and materials from solid waste and use them to operate the farm, in order to eliminate pollution, sequester carbon and growing large amounts of organic crops near cities.

It’s a way of farming that addresses environmental crises and food insecurity at the same time. It uses garbage to create organic composted fertilizer and used non-recyclable plastic waste to power the plant, while producing 2x the crops on 1% of the land, with 80% less water.

The first step to Carbonscraper farming is a refuse sorting machine. Garbage sorting is done onsite. It is odor controlled and the farm emits zero emissions, meaning Carbonscraper farms bring jobs and food close to people and businesses.

With the exception of toxic, hazardous chemical and liquid waste every other kind of refuse is either used (composted), sold (glass, metal, concrete bits) or renewed by the farm (waste is gasified for turbine powered electricity).

The farms operate deeply carbon negative and produce 100% organic crops with predictable yields that are shielded from weather.

This kind of farming creates stable jobs and lots of green products besides food, and it does so year round in several sectors that will never perish.

All of this to say…



Vertical Agriculture is Growing Big


It uses 70-95% less water on a fraction of the land and is easy to scale up.

It uses zero chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

It operates year round, regardless of weather, and produces a lot more crops.

It all starts with junk.


A Carbonscraper farm takes ordinary garbage and renews it.

Regardless of type, garbage does not need to be pre-sorted.

Machine sorting can handle all of it together.

This means that every kind of refuse, from plastic to food scraps and construction waste, can all be thrown together.

Organic waste itself is natures own best fertilizer.

Composting natural materials, like food scraps and yard waste, results in nutrient dense solids that can be used at the farm. Compost and compost tea are both invaluable resources for organic farming, and are used to restore depleted land and stop desertification.

Excess compost produced at the farm is sold for high return.

In vessel composting is quick (takes only days) and, because the process happens within containers, there is no odor or vermin.

Carbonscraper farms produce their own energy with excess garbage.

Carbonscraper farming uses non-renewable waste, like hard plastic and rubber, into energy via gasification, which breaks things down on a molecular level.

Doing so results in turbine powered electricity for the farm.

Excess energy is sold for high value as green energy products like clean diesel and hydrogen, increasing the bottom line of the farm.

The bottom line of Carbonscraper farming is thick and black.

What if every farm worked this way?

In fact, imagine if every factory, every business, every restaurant and home was renewing garbage like this?

Think of the waste that could be diverted from landfills. Imagine the chemicals that would not be needed, the toxic waste eliminated. How about the amount of local food that could be produced, the number of nearby jobs created.

The technology already exists.

There is no reason to reinvent the wheel.

Using green technologies like these to reduce waste and pollution is something any business, company or home can do.

Carbonscraper aims to make this the new normal.