The thick black line at the bottom of Carbonscraper farming.

This method of farming creates so many benefits for a community.

Trash is reused, pollution is prevented, land is maximized and resources are conserved…


…and just take a look at all the jobs that are created.

Waste collecting.

Refuse from homes and businesses, plus new markets like restaurant and factory scraps, industrial solids, and construction waste.


Sales and distribution.

Because the process makes so many products besides food this is a pretty big part of the farms operations. Well educated people are needed to manage these.


Both aeroponic and hyrdoponic growing methods use skilled labor to manage the growing and producing of crops.


Software engineering.

Most farm operations are highly automated and require skilled control of the advanced technologies needed to maintain and monitor them.


This method of farming produces predictable yields year round, meaning stable jobs are created year round, too.


Machine operators.

People are needed to run the garbage sorting machine and the composting process. Operators around the facility work forklifts and other farm equipment.


Building, equipment and facilities maintenance are year round jobs. Many are skilled positions requiring special training.


Plant management.

This method of farming operates like a production facility. This means that specialized know-how is required to connect all the different operations together.

Carbonscraper farming is so profitable because it makes so much stuff to sell.

From the very first step, waste sorting machines extract useful materials to use or sell. Dirt, trees, food waste and paper are all converted to compost. Plastic, metal, glass, brick, concrete and stone are all valuable recyclables.

Learn more about sorting waste for use and profit at the farm.

Organic matter is used to make compost. Compost is created in the form of liquids and solids. Both are high value organic gardening commodities to sell.

Learn more about using and selling compost at the farm.

What’s left after recycling and composting is invaluable. All non-recyclable material is gasified for electricity. Gasification creates high dollar clean energy products like electricity, hydrogen and 20x cleaner diesel. Excess energy is sold. The process produces zero emissions and all that’s left at the end is stone (which can also be sold!)

Learn more about energy production at the farm.

This is what Carbonscraper farms sell.


Produce, but more.

Because this method uses all kinds of growing methods, it grows all kinds of produce.

  • Vertical aeroponics and Hydroponics excel at growing leafy greens. Stuff like kale, lettuce, basil and sprouts.

  • Growing stuff in dirt, trellised vertically, is ideal for crops like squash, beans, grapes, tomatoes and others.

  • Using methods taken from the marijuana industries allows for tall crops like broccoli eggplant and pepper to be grown with stacked equipment.

  • Even high dollar annual plants like bamboo and grass can be grown stacked.



Glass, metal, soft plastic, brick and concrete bits, stone. All of these are incredibly valuable on the resale market.

  • Each one of these are currently multi-billion dollar industries that may never be capped, due to population and building growth.

  • Even the energy production method used at the farm results in a small amount of stone and metal to sell which can be sold for aggregate at the last step.



Gasification is an extremely clean form of energy that can be made from true waste, like hard plastic and rubber. T

  • This is an amazing way to recover matter from items that might otherwise leach into the soil at a landfill or break down into bits, polluting oceans.

  • When non-recyclable material is gasified it is broken down on a molecular level. The result is synthetic gas.

  • Synthetic gas can be converted to other kinds of energy. This is used at the farm and excess is sold.

    • Electricity, hydrogen and clean diesel are all made from synthetic gas.

    • Each of these is way cleaner than regular gas, natural gas or diesel.

    • In fact the diesel that comes from synthetic gas is 20x cleaner than current CA clean diesel standards.