Vision: To reverse climate change, eliminate, pollution, solid waste and food insecurity.


Mission: To recover valuable resources and materials from solid waste and use them to operate the farm thereby eliminating pollution, sequestering carbon and growing large amounts of organic food near cities.

We are currently in the process of setting up a test farm.

Carbonscraper farming started with a common question. What can we do about the climate crisis? The answer that commonly comes to mind for this question is “grow stuff.” To make any kind of difference, though, you have to grow lots and lots of stuff.

In a way it actually may be just that simple.

Growing stuff sequesters a huge amount of carbon long-term, into soil as well as into the stalks and leaves of plants.

When combined with making organic fertilizer and green energy from waste this method of farming becomes a whole lot more interesting.

It also becomes a whole lot more green.

When organic matter like cotton, tree waste and food scraps are diverted from landfills a great deal of methane gas is prevented from ever entering the atmosphere. Methane gas is one of the worst greenhouse gases, even worse than carbon dioxide. Preventing its release can further prevent negative effects of climate change, in a really big way.

Organic matter is so useful. There is no reason we ought to be throwing it away. When it is recovered from refuse it makes a brilliant, nutrient dense fertilizer. Compost is another way we can prevent the effects of climate change. It can be used to restore depleted land, it can be used to stop desertification.

One of the best parts about organic fertilizer is the amount of chemicals that are not needed. The fertilizer industry creates a huge amount of dangerous chemical and toxic waste. By reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers that are used a relative amount of these hideous pollutions are not produced.

That is not the only way this plant is green. Hard plastic and rubber are made from oil, a really difficult thing to recycle. These products are big polluters when they break down. They leach chemicals into soil. They disintegrate from sunshine into tiny little bits that blow into oceans, we even breathe them in. This destructive chemical garbage is actually recaptured with Carbonscraper farming. By converting it back its original organic compounds with gasification, and off-grid, clean electricity is created to power the plant.

The amount of land used is yet another benefit. By gardening vertically with pre-fab hydroponic and aeroponic setups land use and crop yields are maximized. Production can be up to 2X a regular farm on less than 1% of the land.

WAIT! Thats not it. Water may actually be the most valuable resource that is conserved by Carbonscraper farming. Because the majority of the farm is dedicated to vertical growing the water can be delivered in smaller amounts and experience next to no evaporation. Areoponics and Hydroponics use from 70-95% less water.

Technology already exists.

People with incredible minds have been working at the forefront of climate change science for years.

That is why we think it makes so much sense to bring them all together in one, cohesive way of farming.